Cancel and go back to company profile Company profile modification request Company name Main activity Skyborn Renewables is committed to a carbon-free future by accelerating the deployment of offshore wind worldwide. We are convinced that offshore wind is the cornerstone of the energy transition, and that it will help to secure energy supplies and reduce carbon emissions, providing future generations with sustainable energy. As a pioneer and major player in offshore wind, developer and operator, Skyborn Renewables has over 20 years' experience and 7 GW of offshore wind farms developed worldwide. Our portfolio of projects under development exceeds 30 GW. Skyborn Renewables is present in 15 countries in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, and is headquartered in Bremen (Germany). MRE-related production and research facilities Design bureau, GIS software such as WINDOGRAPHER, WASP, WINDPRO, WINDFARM, WINDFARMER, OPENWIND, WINDSIM, METEODYN, wind measuring instruments etc. References abroad Since its inception in 2000, WPD offshore has featured among the offshore wind pioneers (21 projects developed with 10 authorised), 3 offshore wind farms constructed with a total capacity of 447 MW and 7500 MW in projects under way in Europe, USA and Asia Sur chacune des références en France ou à l'international, veuillez préciser (nature de la prestation, année de réalisation, CA, client concerné) - champ confidentiel Contact details Address in Pays de la Loire Additional address Postcode Ville Website Phone Twitter Linkedin Contact Name Function Email Phone Mobile phone Linkedin Données économiques générales - champs confidentiels Chiffre d'affaires global en K€ en 2022 (en Pays de la Loire) Nombre de salariés dans les EMR en Pays de la Loire Nombre de salariés en Pays de la Loire Si un investissement a eu lieu, merci d'en préciser le montant en K€ Si vous avez participé ou vous participez à un projet collaboratif de recherche européen, merci de préciser Si vous avez réalisé un investissement spécifique EMR dans les 5 dernières années en Pays de la Loire, merci de préciser Si vous menez des activités de R&D/ innovation liées aux EMR, merci de préciser lesquelles Technologies Fixed wind energyFloating wind energyTidal energyWave energyOther Références projets commerciaux/fermes pilotes EMR en France Votre contractualisation dans le cadre d'un projet EMR commercialisé ou d'un projet EMR de ferme pilote en France, à l'issue de la nomination du lauréat de l'appel d'offres.MESP = Mise en Service Planifiée / ES = En Service Parc éolien de Saint-Nazaire - AO1, ES 09/2022Parc éolien Saint-Brieuc - AO1, ES 05/2024Parc éolien de Fécamp - AO1, ES 06/2024Parc éolien de Courseulles-sur-Mer - AO1, MESP 2025Parc éolien de Yeu-Noirmoutier - AO2, MESP 2025Parc éolien de Dieppe le Tréport - AO2, MESP 2026Parc éolien de Dunkerque - AO3, MESP 2028Parc éolien Manche Normandie/Centre Manche 1 - AO4, MESP 2031Parc éolien de Bretagne Sud - AO5, MESP 2031Ferme pilote d'éoliennes flottantes de Groix et Belle-Ile - projet abandonnéFerme pilote d'éoliennes flottantes de Leucate - MESP 2024Ferme pilote d'éoliennes flottantes de Faraman - MESP 2024Ferme pilote d'éoliennes flottantes de Gruissan - MESP 2025 Autres types de projets commerciaux/fermes pilotes EMR (hydrolien, etc..) Réponse(s) à AO de projets EMR en France - champ confidentiel Votre participation à une consultation dans le cadre d'un AO concernant un futur projet EMR en France, avant nomination du lauréat de l'AO.MESP = Mise en Service Planifiée Autres AO Fixed and floating wind energy value chain Project DevelopmentDesign, scheme developmentGeotechnical/geophysical surveysSocio-economics and socio-industrial assessmentsEnvironmental impact assessmentOtherAssessmentsResource assessment (wind, current, etc...)Environmental assessmentsOtherEngineering and parts fabricationParts/MaterialsCompositesMetallic structuresCastingMechanical and electromechanical componentsConcreteElectrical and electronic componentsPipingPainting and surface treatmentEngineeringOtherSub-assembliesFoundationsFixed FoundationsGravityMonopileJacketTripodEngineeringFloating foundationsSteelConcreteHybridOtherAnchoringCablingInter-array cablesExport cablesUmbilicalsOtherSubstationsModulesElectrical systemsJacketOtherWind turbineTowerBladesTurbineNacelleGeneratorBrakeStator/RotorHubGearboxCables and connectorsHVACHydraulic/Pneumatic systemInstrumentation/Monitoring/ControlOtherAssembly/Installation/LogisticsOnshore infrastructure/WorksAssemblySurface treatment/CoatingsHandling/LiftingStorageOtherOffshore installationMarine transportationPersonnel transportEquipment transportBoring/Preparation of seabedFoundations installationAnchor installationSpecialised works/Marine works/Civil engineeringSubstation installationCablingSubsea cable lying and buryingUmbilicalsInter-array cablesExport cablesOperations and maintenanceOperationOperation and maintenance management/Data, sensors managementInspectionAerial inspectionInspection of subsea structuresInstrumentation/Control/Communication (product)OtherServicing/RepairTurbine maintenanceBlade maintenanceFoundation/anchor maintenanceCable maintenanceSubstation maintenanceOtherSurveillance/SafetyO&M assistance and facilitiesBoatsHelicoptersDronesOtherO&M resources (means of transport, equipment...)Specialised worksDecommissioningDecommissioningDepollutionRecycling/Waste managementOtherSupport servicesProject Management AssistanceInsurance/Banking/FinancingInspection/Quality/Security/CertificationMarine and port servicesOther services (HR, Training, Communication) Other technologies value chain Tidal energyProject DevelopmentEngineering and parts fabricationAssembly/Installation/LogisticsOperations and maintenanceDecommissioningSupport servicesWave energyProject DevelopmentEngineering and parts fabricationAssembly/Installation/LogisticsOperations and maintenanceDecommissioningSupport servicesOther technologiesProject DevelopmentEngineering and parts fabricationAssembly/Installation/LogisticsOperations and maintenanceDecommissioningSupport services Activities Marine Renewable EnergyOil & GasShipbuildingAeronauticsOther renewable energiesMarine works servicesOther Other activities Languages FrenchEnglishGermanSpanishOther(s) Other languages Memberships Cluster Maritime FrançaisFrance Energie EolienneNeopoliaPôle Mer Bretagne AtlantiqueEMC2 ClusterS2E2 ClusterSMILESyndicat des Energies RenouvelablesOther Other memberships Environmental certifications ISO 14000ISO 14001No details on certificationOther certification Other certifications Quality certifications AMFASME U2 StampEN 15085-1EN 9100EN 1090-1ISO 3834ISO 3834-2ISO 9000ISO 9001ISO 28007OPQIBIQUALIBATNo details on certificationOther certification Security certifications BST - GWOCEFRI-EILO OSHISO 17020MASEOEA - SURTYMAROHSAS 18001No details on certificationOther certification Accréditations Validate your modifications Cancel Send your modifications Fermer Your requests for modifications Your contact information Your lastname and firstname Your phone Your email Send Cancel