Address: 2 Rue Alfred KastlerCs 40751
44307 NANTES Website: Phone: +33 1 47 82 08 23
MRE Contact
M. Damien GROLLEAU Head of business development Phone: +33 1 47 82 08 23 +33 6 79 22 47 58 Email: Linkedin ofM. Damien GROLLEAU
Company's working languages
Edit my company profile
- English
- French
- German
Main presentation
We specialise in the model-driven systems approach to the study, design and validation of controlled technical systems, and operate in the automotive, aeronautical, energy, naval, military, space, manufacturing and agri-food industries...
Company's main line of business
Company's trades and skills
Design bureau specialising in multiphysics engineering systems
(system architecture, specification engineering, demand engineering, multiphysics systems engineering)
MRE Technologies
- Fixed wind energy
- Floating wind energy
- Other
- Tidal energy
- Wave energy
Position in the value chain in offshore wind energy
Project Development
- Design, scheme development
- Other
- Design, scheme development
Engineering and parts fabrication
- Sub-assemblies
- Wind turbine
- Turbine
- Generator
- Hydraulic/Pneumatic system
- Instrumentation/Monitoring/Control
- Generator
- Turbine
- Wind turbine
- Sub-assemblies
Position in the value chain for other technologies
MRE-related production and research facilities
Tidal energy
- Project Development
- Engineering and parts fabrication
Wave energy
- Project Development
- Engineering and parts fabrication
Other technologies
- Project Development
- Engineering and parts fabrication
System architecture, specifications engineering, demand engineering, Multiphysics engineering
Certifications- Other certification
- ISO 9001