Address: 18 Rue Paul Bellamy44000 NANTES Website: Phone: +33 2 51 83 96 45
MRE Contact
Mme Farah ABBES computing and materials engineer and manager Phone: +33 2 51 83 96 45 +33 6 52 68 14 23 Email: Linkedin ofMme Farah ABBES
Company's working languages
Edit my company profile
- English
- French
Main presentation
Design bureau specialising in the development of lightweight
components (composite materials), and sensor integration assessments.
Company's main line of business
Company's trades and skills
Design bureau - calculations for composite structures
MRE Technologies
- Fixed wind energy
- Floating wind energy
- Tidal energy
- Wave energy
Position in the value chain in offshore wind energy
Engineering and parts fabrication
- Parts/Materials
- Composites
- Metallic structures
- Mechanical and electromechanical components
- Electrical and electronic components
- Engineering
- Sub-assemblies
- Foundations
- Fixed Foundations
- Gravity
- Jacket
- Tripod
- Floating foundations
- Hybrid
- Other
- Fixed Foundations
- Anchoring
- Wind turbine
- Tower
- Blades
- Foundations
- Parts/Materials
Operations and maintenance
- Operation and maintenance management/Data, sensors management
- Inspection
- Inspection of subsea structures
- Instrumentation/Control/Communication (product)
- Servicing/Repair
- Blade maintenance
- Foundation/anchor maintenance
- Surveillance/Safety
Position in the value chain for other technologies
MRE-related production and research facilities
Tidal energy
- Engineering and parts fabrication
- Operations and maintenance
- Support services
Wave energy
- Engineering and parts fabrication
- Operations and maintenance
- Support services
Other technologies
- Engineering and parts fabrication
- Operations and maintenance
- Support services
Design bureau - calculation software - CAO