Address: Parc du Petit Chatelier359 Route de Sainte Luce Bp 30171
44301 NANTES Website: Phone: +33 2 51 82 46 46
Company's working languages
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- English
- French
Main presentation
Supplier of sensors and systems for marine geoscience
Company's main line of business
Aeronautics, Marine Renewable Energy, Marine works services, Oil & Gas, Other renewable energies, Shipbuilding
Company's trades and skills
Supply of sensors and systems for marine geoscience
MRE Technologies
- Fixed wind energy
- Floating wind energy
- Tidal energy
- Wave energy
Position in the value chain in offshore wind energy
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
- Other
- Offshore installation
- Boring/Preparation of seabed
- Cabling
- Subsea cable lying and burying
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
Position in the value chain for other technologies
MRE-related production and research facilities
Tidal energy
- Support services
Wave energy
- Support services
Other technologies
- Support services
Multibeam echo sounders, Echoscope acoustic camera, side-scan sonars, sediment echo sounders