Company's working languages
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Main presentation
A service company operating in France and internationally. We offer services ranging from the preparation of methods, quality and supplier quality to customer installation. In terms of the supply chain, we have a presence in all areas of production (cablers, fitters, assemblers, machinists, etc.). We have a site and maintenance unit capable of intervening anywhere. an industrial expertise centre. We have a training centre that enables us to train our employees in-house.
Company's main line of business
Aeronautics, Marine Renewable Energy, Other renewable energies, Shipbuilding
MRE Technologies
- Fixed wind energy
- Floating wind energy
Position in the value chain in offshore wind energy
Engineering and parts fabrication
- Parts/Materials
- Composites
- Metallic structures
- Casting
- Piping
- Parts/Materials
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
- Assembly
- Onshore infrastructure/Works
- Decommissioning
Position in the value chain for other technologies
Tidal energy
- Assembly/Installation/Logistics
- Decommissioning
Wave energy
- Assembly/Installation/Logistics
- Decommissioning
- EN 9100
- ISO 9001