The Pays de la Loire region has just launched a series of competitions, Resolutions, to support companies that innovate in strategic sectors. The first call for projects concerns blue growth, and in particular, marine renewable energies.
4 competitions per year with 5 winners for each competition and €20,000 for each project. Resolutions is a new innovation support mechanism from the Pays de la Loire region, animated by the Agence régionale in partnership with the region’s competitiveness clusters.
‘Resolutions’ calls for innovation will take place over 8-month cycles. They will include a call for challenges, to identify companies that need a boost for their development, then a call for solutions. The project carrier and solution provider will then benefit from a €20,000 grant to work together in open innovation.
The first edition deals with blue growth and directly concerns MRE actors. The call for challenges is open until 24 December: so don’t wait for the New Year to make your New Year’s resolutions!
* EMC2, Images&Réseaux, the PMBA and the WeAMEC.
Further information: www.resolutions-paysdelaloire.fr