An accelerator for research and innovation projects, supporting industrial growth and training
Headquarters Technocampus Ocean - Rue de L'Halbrane 44340 Bouguenais Website Contact Philippe BACLET Phone 06 40 58 78 72

Research & innovation

WEAMEC roadmap
At the initiative of the Regional Council of the Pays de la Loire, academic and industrial actors in the fields of research, training and innovation worked to define a common strategy for structuring and further developing the dynamics of the regional MRE sector. The resulting roadmap lays out the following medium-term objectives:- Develop fixed-structure wind power, especially in the extreme conditions (hard ground, strong swell, etc.) of the Atlantic coast area.
- Accelerate the transition from fixed to floating wind turbines.
- Move ahead with less mature MRE technologies, such as tidal energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) and wave energy.
- Develop innovative technological building blocks for these different technologies.
WEAMEC is positioned at every stage of the MRE cycle, from preliminary studies to the management and operation of wind farms.
Skills & Expertise
Our main competences are ocean engineering, advanced manufacturing, Structural Heath Monitoring, Electrical engineering, Human sciences on the entire value chain from research to offshore exploitation.Test facilities

- One of the biggest and well-equipped centrifuge worldwide operated by IFSTTAR for geotechnical studies,
- The most important wind tunnel in France operated by CSTB,
- Mechanical testing for cables – IFSTTAR
- Energy System test benches (800 kW – Hard In the Loop) - CEA Tech
- Numerical simulation – high performance computing – ICI - Centrale Nantes
- Virtual Reality Center of Saint Nazaire (CIRV) - Jules Verne Technological Research Institute (IRT)
- Advanced manufacturing and non-destructive control processes: Robotic finishing (up to 18 m) and Fatigue test bench (up to 8 m) from Jules Verne Technological Research Institute (IRT), X-ray computed tomography (up to 9 m) from CEA Tech

Broad-based comprehensive training
- Training from operator to engineer level covering all disciplinary fields
- 15 master’s and engineering courses covering all marine sciences
- More than 300 students receiving initial training each year
- Over 20 executive training modules