Pays de la Loire is a naturally supportive region. The local authorities and development agencies have harnessed their innovation capabilities to meet the challenges of the new maritime economy.


Website Contact Solutions&co : SUGLIANI Charlotte, Project manager - Offshore Wind and Marine energy Phone +33 (0)240 48 32 95 - +33 (0)6 72 00 18 24
The Pays de la Loire Regional Council sets out the regional economic development roadmap which includes marine renewables as a key sector. For several years now, the Council has spearheaded and supported the development of the offshore wind sector, recognising it as an up and coming industry. The region's economic development agency, Solutions&co, is responsible for informing and implementing the Regional Council's roadmap. Its remit includes: organising the sector, attracting investment, drawing on the whole region to develop the marine renewables sector, provide greater visibility to the industry as a whole. Across the region, local development bodies provide support for business and industry as required: real estate, recruitment, creation and management of business parks, support for key sectors etc. Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement is the development agency for the greater Nantes Saint-Nazaire area.
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