Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique is a cluster specialising in the blue economy. It brings together some 350 members including SMEs, major groups, research centres and higher education establishments.


Headquarters Atlanpole / Relais Territorial Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique en Pays de la Loire Website www.pole-mer-bretagne-atlantique.com Contact Frederic RAVILLLY frederic.ravilly@polemer-ba.com Phone +33 240 25 05 15 - +33 785 34 66 28
The cluster works with stakeholders to develop pioneering projects in the maritime sector. Activities include combining capabilities from academia and industry, funding searches, supporting SMEs in their R&D investment, facilitating market entry of their new products and services, international development.

Key figures:

1 combined region of excellence Bretagne-Pays de la Loire 350 members with over half being SMEs 6 innovation areas: maritime defence, safety and security; shipbuilding and leisure marine, marine energy and mineral resources; marine biological resources (fishing, aquaculture, biotechnologies); coastal planning and management; port and transport logistics.
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